Evening primetime: count up the dead on the street without the army
The rainy season: the sudden paranoia of banality is the ecology of life
Evening primetime: count up the dead on the street without the army
The rainy season: the sudden paranoia of banality is the ecology of life
Experience: you can’t eat human rolls
The limpid thread of intimacy: man is not just a space filler
The brilliance of the mind: the ten human hips will hold the nature weight
On a slanted surface: a match doesn’t set your eye on fire
The spiral of life: twisted back by objective reality
Love: what is divine belongs to God and is human
The sensuality of aimlessness: where there is no end there is no fare
The roar of heaven: matter is the shirt of man who’s afraid to stand naked before God
The geometry of life: to feel the embarrassment finally behind our backs!
The truth hurts: hope can be hidden only in despair
Fathers: no one wins the button war
The war scenery: woe betide men whose queen can bend steel
The spider man: clinging to the wall of light with the cross of darkness on his back
There are people everywhere: the light sparkles even in serpentine pipelines